Thursday, March 3, 2011

J-La is 5 months!!!

Since I have posted so many pics of our baby's big big big smile I thought I would share this more "serious" look of her little baby mug. At 5 mos this baby girl no longer stays put if she is laid down on her activity mat.. she rolls right over on her tummy and is busy grabbing for something to pull on to scoot across the floor! I fear she is skipping working on sitting and moving on to crawling, she is a busy baby that is for sure! Happy and content since day 1 she just breaks your heart with her big smiley face and baby chatter! Jade is up in her room now and sleeping as great as ever. She is a fun and relaxing baby to be around and we are so thankful to have her in our lives! WE LOVE JADE :) xo