Its really no surprise that Keira wanted to celebrate turning 6 with Justin Bieber and Dance...and her wish came true. We rung in 6 years of KP with a Bieber Fever Dance Party at her dance studio! She was literally in heaven and I think all of her little friends.. along with Sienna and Jade were too. Actually I think I was in heaven as well.. knowing I was going to have a one or two week old I let go and agreed to not have the party at home but to let Mandi and the dance studio handle everything....And just so you know...I LOVED IT. We literally showed up with the girls and the cake and the rest was taken care of.. set up, clean up, pizza, craft and entertainment! I couldn't have done anything like it on my own. The best part was that I got to watch keira and the rest of the girls enjoy the party. They finished the party with a birthday dance that all the parents got to watch at pick up time and it was seriously the cutest thing ever!