Friday, February 1, 2013
Its Feb!!!
I have really nothing to share at this point that is of any interest.. but feel the need to say wow its Feb! I cant believe its here already and honestly I have never been so excited for this month to be here.. which is crazy right because we started our family with the birth of Keira in February 07... But now 6 years later the thought of completing our family is truly a blessing... I think back then I had no idea what to expect.. there was of course excitement but just a lot of unknown. This time there is a new level of excitement knowing what to expect but also a different feeling, a feeling I don't even really know yet... one of completion. And I am ready. I wouldn't say patience is my strong point.. but in this process you don't have a choice.. so I sit here and I wait and dream for the moment I see our baby girl and hope with all of my heart she is as happy and healthy as her sisters. I cant wait to see our 4 girls together! It will be a beautiful sight...