Thursday, May 30, 2013

Keira no longer a kindergartener

The school year blew by! Keira had such a good kindergarten experience.. the school, teachers and friends.. all made the transition to "big girl" full day school an amazing one. Keira didnt skip a beat with school, dancing with the stars performance team, the competitive elite team and ballet plus daisies... on our one free afternoon she was asking what we could be doing LOL She loves to be busy. And busy we are! I think keira matured alot this year and honestly I had prepared myself to see some attitude or sassy stuff at home that I had heard from so many parents can happen and I didnt see anything at all. Keira has so far remained sweet, caring, loving and still a little shy. She loved her kindergarten teacher miss george and will definitely be back to visit her!
she was so happy to have us there for her

my big girl

a few of the kindergarten classes.. the others were to the side and wouldnt fit in the pic :)

officially a kindergarten graduate


more hugs

 good friend kailyn

Miss George

proud mama

brooklyn and scarlett

scarlett and paige