makes you want to stand on a step and dance!!
and pose
So we have made it through the short summer break! and with just a few days to kill I am open to just about any project to keep these girls busy. We have been attending storytime at the library forever now but had never actually got a library card.. a 2 min process by the way!!! why I had not done it before now is beyond me because the girls really love the going through the books. Anyway so we are finally official. Our friends are frequent library goers? is that even a word LOL and we totally "borrowed" their idea of having library bags. First of all its perfect so that mommy doesnt have to juggle a million books and secondly both of the girls love bags of any size or shape and putting "stuff" into the bag is even better. So our latest craft was, if you couldnt guess, to get library bags and decorate them. Of course the decorating part had to be kept pretty basic so that they could actually manage to do the project themselves, so a trip to michaels provided us with two perfect $2 bags and a bag of felt flower stickers! voila!! They have so much fun with just the most simple things and this was no exception.. mommy peeled off the back of the sticker and they could stick them wherever they pleased.. they did a great job and sat as nice as they possibly could to get their pictures taken with them after!