i pinky swear
hiding face
rock on sista
my sweet baby girl
So today marks 31 weeks and we are still rockin and rollin over here.. we had our 3D ultrasound this morning which doesnt get any less amazing with each pregnancy! Our baby girl was in there going crazy and was dubbed the "wild woman" by our ultrasound tech, we couldnt get her to stay still at all! but we did capture a few goodies and did confirm she is infact a girl LOL wouldnt that have been a shocker! Especially since the nursery is almost done and very much a girly girl domain! Anyhoo things seemed to be going great for her and she looked happy, putting her hands in her mouth and covering her face so we couldnt get as many pics as we would have liked :) she is a stinker already.. which means she is going to fit right in!! Next week I have a growth analysis ultrasound since big surprise, she is measuring a bit small! so they will be looking more at her measurements etc in that one. But overall she had all the major bits and pieces all in the right place! We just thought she was adorable and love her sooooo very much already! Cant wait to meet her!!! and your big sister keira was very disappointed we were not going to the hospital to "get you out" today! She is going to love you and is excited to see you wrapped like a burrito!