Our bitty baby is growing up too quickly! And I am not kidding when I say bitty baby, at 4 months she weighs in at 12lbs exactly which is 16%. It seems that she has been working on her height the last two months, she went from the 19 % to the 75% growing to 21.5 to almost 25ins! The doc had to measure her 3 times to believe it. Anyway she is healthy and happy. Her most recent discovery is her toes and she grabs them at every opportunity and absolutely loves that she can get them in her mouth...yummy :) Jade is not really the cuddliest baby she is not the snuggler that her sisters were she has tried to sit up since the day she was born, she has no interest in laying down unless she is nursing or sleeping, good thing Sienna still gives a good snuggle so I am not missing out completely. Jade would rather be playing in her jumper, exersaucer or joining in whatever her sisters are playing. Jade is still an amazing night sleeper and apart from little cat naps only takes one longer nap during the day.. keira and Sienna were the same way early on.. trading naps for a good nights sleep, who would complain! What else can I say about Jade.... she has started to drool like crazy putting whatever she can find in her mouth for a good chew, she smiles the biggest gummy baby smiles that just warm your heart and loves to join in every converstation with her sweet little baby voice, a friend recently said that she feels she enjoyed her third the most so far and I have to say that I somewhat agree, I think with your first child there is so much learning and discovery, with the second you are mastering multitasking and the third you are already doing all of that but are also forced to slow down a bit and therefore enjoy the little things more! All in all we are doing pretty darn good!