Sunday, January 23, 2011

its all about me...well not really

ok I just couldnt think of a better title for this post... I dont have that much to report but I do have some pics to share that arent of me dont worry :) The news I do have to share is that I have started training for my first half marathon! I am soooo stoked because the furthest I have ran in my life is a 10k which I think is 8 miles? So 13+ is going to be such a personal accomplishment and something that I dont know if I ever imagined that I would complete. Anyway I just needed some motivation to get back in shape and didnt want to wait all the way until the Arizona rock n roll which would be next january, the stars aligned and the seattle rock n roll marathon in at the end of june which is when we were planning to be up there! It is so hard to start from scratch after each baby, but at the same time after every run I feel so damn good and therefore know it is going to be so worth it. There are so many things that I find motivation in, but the main one being that I want to set a great example for our girls and show them that they can be physically strong and do anything they want to! I think the best way to teach is to be a role model... I suppose those are my starbucks days talking! Lead by example, right? :)
ok so other than that we had a visitor from friday - wednesday last week, his name is Stretch and he is a giraffe! Keiras first take home "pet" from school and we had so much fun with him. Stretch came with only one rule (as far as I know anyway) and that was that he did not go in the bath LOL we took him out to dinner at red robin which was so fun! He had to try on some cowboy boots at Sabas, keira just loves her pink cowboy boots, we took him to the Irish dance festival Feis in the desert which was also a blast! All in all I think he had a fun and cultural weekend here at the hattenburgs. Ok so that is really it, we are loving that our baby jade is becoming so much more playful (did I mention she is a dream child) and her sisters are right up in her grill playing with her! The last month has been busy with nose wiping alone, we have been passing around some sort of funk, sienna and I had sinus infections, keira is apparently battling a "virus" and daddy had cold and ongoing coughing issues its been a gross snot filled month, but we are hoping to leave that behind and move on and get some warmer weather!! No longer pregnant and ready to be out soaking up some sun and introducing Jade to this crazy desert life we live and love! I just want to say that I am so thankful for everything that I have seen and done in life so far, its been on my mind so much lately that I am in my 30's which seemed so far away not that long ago and I have made so many mistakes but no matter what I think of them now I know that I cant regret anything because they have brought me here to today and today I wouldnt change a thing... not to sound at all like Kylie Minogue but I I I I wouldnt change, I I I I wouldnt change a thing who btw was the first album I ever got and I am, for the first time ever, going to see her in concert at the hollywood bowl in LA with my gbff in May... my first trip away from my family! Big steps people!