I swear we just found out that I was pregnant with Jade! On Keiras birthday in february I kept thinking about how sick I was at her party last year.. and coming up to easter makes me think of how sick I was then too just trying to make it through easter brunch. All that seems like just yesterday... a year ago we couldnt have known how amazing our little lizard (my pet name for her) would be! How much can I really gush about this baby girl that I havent said before! She has a funny little personality and sticky fingers... she grabs anything she can get her hands on.. and what is funny about a 3rd child that I am sure every mom of 3 or more goes through is that she plays with stuff that is totally not geared for a 6 mo old. She chews on barbies and eats keiras school projects! she rips pages out of books already.... and eats those too! She loves to giggle! Since keira is in the 3rd row in the car and Jade is facing backward she has keira to entertain her! She loves her biggest sister and talks and giggles with her. And big sister sienna has a soft spot for baby jade too...she also makes her laugh and offers up her most special turtle and blanky only to jade, when jade smiles in return sienna will say "HE's happy!" yes she is still working on He vs She but then that makes me laugh too! Still no teeth for Jade although I think she is super close.. you can almost see them through the gums, she is very close to sitting up just the last two days she has gotten so strong but i think she still prefers to be on her tummy grabbing the carpet to move, she is great at scooting backwards. I have tried to have many conversations with her about how fun sitting is however I think she has other plans! The "transition" to mom of 3 has been a dream! Which leaves me thinking...hmmm 4 doesnt seem that bad after all... although I think my mom is wondering if we have plans to cast the sound of music... if thats the case I need to get some serious discipline going around here LOL Happy half birthday Jade you are the best little bug around!!!