I have to admit there was some anxiety leading up to turning 32 .. I am not sure why this was because honestly I dont feel any different from the last few years... but I think that because my 30th bday seems so much like it was yesterday that I am getting a feel for just how fast time goes by... and that freaks me out! I just dont see things slowing down any time soon, anyhoo on the lighter side I had such an amazing birthday and was so spoiled for my day. First of all my brother and his fiance Maria (better known as moose, masha or whatever else you can come up with ) flew in for the weekend which made it extra special! Especially since it was the first time that Kris got to meet little Jade! he got to spend lots of time cuddling with her! And it was just so good to see him since it had been Fo'evah! Anyhoo so we celebrated with some friends with an adults only dinner catered by PF Changs!!! YUM and finished it off with die by chocolate cupcakes from designer cakes by april! beyond delicious. It was so fun to have everyone here relaxed and having a great time! And although no one would dance with me, well thats not true Mike gave it his best effort... I had the best time and am thankful for such great friends... and family!!!