blogging about myself...awkward! but my kylie trip deserves a post...months ago when corey asked me to go see kylie in LA my immediate response was um I am not sure about that.. but less than 24 hrs later I called back and said... whats there to think about I HAVE to go! So then the week of the concert arrived and I was sick as hell!!!! I woke up one day with no voice... not even a warning of a sore throat.. just no voice after 3 days of no voice then the pain came and then I was hit with the stomach flu, threw up for 24 hrs and the nausea continued for a week not to mention the sweats, chills and headaches so thursday hit and keira threw up I thought oh man how can I go feeling this awful and potentially leaving rick with sick kids! (I know it was a less than 24 hr trip) Anyhoo keira ended up only being sick one time and was fine and sienna nor jade got sick. So off I go on my first journey without my 3 bunnies...I made it to LA in one piece! barely still fighting the urge to throw up everywhere I met up with Corey and Michael and jumped in the car to the hotel... our 22 min trip took 2 and a half hours in LA traffic!!! I was in the back seat and for those who know me well I get car sick soooo easily. Ok so we made it to the hotel with only really an hour to spare before we needed to leave for the concert... we got caught up and I started to feel a bit better thank goodness! Finally in the party mood we grabbed a taxi to the holywood bowl got some food and went to our AMAZING seats!!! The holywood bowl in general is one of the coolest venues I have seen I am not sure there is a bad seat in there. Anyway Kaskade spun to open the show and we danced the whole time! And then Kylie came on and rocked the place because she is FREAKIN AMAZING!!! I was in the best company... all 3 of us knew every song and danced to every one of them! I will never forget that night it was well worth rallying at the last second to get there and have the whole experience.. we had to get up at 4am for me to catch my flight and boy was I wiped....completely overdone it but soooooooo soooooo worth it! Love you Corey!! Love you Michael!!! and Love you Kylie!!!!