I cant even being to describe how I feel about our baby turning 1 already it is just unbelievable how darn fast a whole year has just slipped by. I would say it was a great year for our family, so busy, and so rich with love and Jade is a big part of that, she has made our lives undoubtably better. She has been an absolutely dream child and now she is moving on to toddlerhood! She is full of personality and just a few weeks ago added "uh oh".. and "cheese" for pics to her vocabulary. She has been walking for over a month and is perfecting running...scary. She is into everything her sisters weren't...which is just keeping me on my toes which is keeping me young right? LOL that is another subject altogether. Anywho Jades party was an owl theme, which came about fairly randomly actually, I was browsing invites on tiny prints and just kept going back to the this particular owl invite that reminded me of her, it was a small card which just added appeal since jade is my most petite one so far...the funny thing is she is only a pound less than keira and sienna who were always only ounces apart.. but she seems just so much more compact for some reason, small with a little bubble butt...definitely J-La booty.(step aside J-Lo) Anyway with an oct birthday owls are for sure fitting and now owls are everywhere I look! And guess what Jade is going to be for halloween LOL anyhoo I decided that I needed to be as resourceful as possible this year. All this meant was that although I got to use lots of stuff I already had and it was a crap ton of work, but when I get an idea in my head that is it, nothing else will do. So I made my own decorations and owl favor bags...it was for sure worth it, they turned out super cute. We made it easy on ourselves and had Guedos cater, we set up a taco bar which was yummy!! needless to say we were eating tacos for days LOL And for dessert we had delicious and adorable mini cupcakes from none other than Designer Cakes by April. The party was great fun and I think the kids enjoyed the bounce too. Unfortunately after coming in town and staying to be here for jades bday grandma couldnt make it, she threw out her back the day before the party and literally couldnt do anything and was in alot of pain and didnt want to move. We missed her lots but know that it would have been risky with all the kids bouncing around here. She was able to make it home and is only just now feeling only slightly better :(
There you have it, our baby is growing up quick..trying to catch up to her sisters! There are moments when all 3 play so nicely together...and it is amazing to watch! It is one of the things in this world that makes me the happiest!