Friday, November 4, 2011

jades 1st haircut

So it is no secret that I just dont do baby mullets... Keira had super stick straight hair from the get go... infact her stuck straight up in the air until it was long enough to fall flat, therefore when it got long at the back she had the definition of a baby mullet...joe dirt style... well I am a hair freak since my mom didnt allow to cut my hair FOREVER LOL (dont worry I learned my lesson) and my hair is from another planet (thank god for straightening irons) anyhoo so I am not attached to baby hair and would much rather have it look cute along the way. I took the same approach to sienna, cutting the back until the sides and bangs were the same length and then let it grow out all at the same time... always looking nice and trimmed along the way.. Jade is for sure NO exception and with a party starting to happen in the back it was time!! She HATED it LOL but survived and now mommy can relax .... hey keira and sienna have both got great but very different hair.. I am sure Jade will have her own thing going on too ... but whatever it is it will NOT be a mullet LOL