Since I ran the Rock n Roll half marathon with my little bro in June I have continued to train for the womens half marathon... and I have to say it was so worth it. Running us just not something I would say comes naturally to me, I definitely have to work hard at it every time I hit the pavement, but every time I run I feel so great afterwords and that makes it all worthwhile. So despite the fact that I had set my alarm for 3;45 to give myself enough time to wake up, eat, shower, etc I was restless throughout the night and ended up getting up at 3:30..or so I thought... I got up and walked in to the kitchen saw the clock on the microwave which read 4:34....I was like NO WAY.. I ran back into our room and said to rick what time is it??? to which he answered 4:30... After yelling some obscenities directed to my phone which even though it is set for arizona time.. which NEVER changes, it fell back an hour... This gave me 9 mins to leave the house... not the relaxing morning I had expected LOL However I am an extremely organized person and had set up a basket the night before of everything I would need in the morning.. so I literally put on my clothes grabbed everything and busted out the door. Despite this crazy start I made it into tempe to catch the bus to the start line and pretty much everything after that was amazing!! I met my friend Melanie at the start line, this was her first half! It was great to have someone there to start with, we ran the first mile together and then I just kinda fell into my own pace and tuned out the world. I stopped at mile 7 for a potty break.. the first set of portapotties that had no line LOL I didnt want to waste 10 mins in line like kurtis and I did. Mile 12 I did start to feel sore, they packed in some hills at the end of the route which intensified things but I just told myself the faster you run the faster youre done! And that last mile I just flew.. I felt like my legs werent even attached LOL I felt so strong! And was really proud of myself when I finished especially since I knew I had shaved 15 mins of my first race time and finished this time in 2hrs 11 mins and 17 secs! ...and yes I took pics and facebooked while running...cuz I am crazy like that :)