Thursday, August 12, 2010

32 weeks or 8 months....& another ultrasound!!!

I was so shocked to have the doctor say well great job you are 8 months pregnant! 8 months just sounds so crazy, it is literally flown by and we are just busy busy. My mom is talking about how she is going to be here in 6 wks! AHHHHH no not really.. I am just such a mixture of emotions.. excited, anxious, impatient yet just trying to really "enjoy" these last few weeks and all the movement that is happening... I had a regular appt today as well as another ultrasound. Well this ultrasound was actually a request from the doctor for a growth analysis on our baby girl... last week I had started to measure small... the ultrasound confirmed that baby #3 is infact measuring one day small.. LOL in otherwords... pretty damn near perfect! So no surprise that it is just me who is measuring small.. and just about everyone and their dog seem to agree LOL where the heck is that baby hiding??? I did however cross over the 20lb mark so I am headed in the right direction. phew.. babys approx weight is 3.5lbs. Over all things are looking good, they took updated pics of the brain/head, heart, aorta, femers, belly and all were looking healthy! WE LOVE YOU BABY!!!!!