I am sitting here thinking about how I may not have this time to myself for much longer.. the quiet minutes I have alone when Rick is reading to the girls and I am actually able to sit at the computer and read people.com and whatever else I get easily sucked into. I have these last few weeks wondering how it is all going to happen. I am so excited to meet our baby girl who is desperately trying to find more room inside my body... cant imagine kicks to the ribs and/or bladder are working.. but she keeps trying LOL I am so excited to be able to give keira and sienna the gift of another sister in their little sisterhood posse (rick told me he read an article that the sister relationship is the most important and meaningful relationship one can have... how lucky are they!!) In a way though it is hard to imagine having a new addition when Sienna is still my "baby". On that note my "baby" who is not only fairly well potty trained, is also sleeping in her big girl bed. When her big girl furniture arrived about a month or so ago she wanted nothing to do with her crib anymore. She would say bed, bed, so one day after reading books on her bed before nap I just let her stay and nap in there and we never looked back! And yesterday and today she refused to get into her high chair to eat, she wants to sit by her big sister... infact she wants to do everything her sister is doing and she just repeats everything her sister says! Which for the most part is very cute, her requests are mostly for anything and everything pink... the pink cup, pink bowl, pink dress. Hey she even throws tantrums big girl style... and the breath holding passing out scenario... not a one time deal... she is one of the lucky 5% of kids who have an abnormal reflex to almost instantly pass out if too pissed off... which being 21 months and not having many coping skills creates many opportunities for passing out and sending me into crazy contraction spells. LOL lucky me... can you imagine.. sienna passing out while I am trying to nurse #3, the fun we will have! Anyway it is as if she knows she herself is going to be a big sister and has to "grow up" all of a sudden! Really she has always been a go get em' child not waiting around and doing everything early but somehow I am still surprised by her. Anyway what was I saying... oh yeah I need to enjoy these quiet evenings....calm tea and chocolate cookies...peace out!