Thursday, September 2, 2010

35 weeks

Well there it is.. the 35 week belly... even partially exposed.. which was not necessarily intentional.. however I refuse to buy bigger tank tops at this point! And since today we had NOTHING planned which is such a rare occurance around here I thought I would take advantage and just let it all hang out.. literally! Hmmm not much to say this week.. baby is insanely busy which is good but not great for sleeping LOL I am sooo excited because "guncle" corey is flying in for labor day weekend and we are going to have a blast.. and although he probably thought because neither of the girls have a birthday party this weekend (which is normally the reason he is visiting) he would be off the hook.... but no no no.. I am putting him to work in the form of a Strawberry Cake!!! Which I cant wait for :) Will be sure to post pics of that... happy labor day weekend to all and to all a goodnight