Yes I had yet another ultrasound today, last week baby girl was again measuring quite small per the outside measurement. So another ultrasound was ordered for today. She has actually grown since the previous ultrasound though and once again it is more my belly that is refusing to get much bigger! Should I really complain about that? Hmm probably not :) Her growth has slowed though which is to be expected nearing delivery. Baby "J" is head down and has dropped (yes I am officially waddling) and it seems that delivery is closer than I thought.. I am 1cm dialated and almost fully effaced! So doc says my body is definitely doing its job! And baby is most likely two weeks or less from entering the big bad world. Grandma is in a slight panic but has decided to fly in next sunday.. and hopefully baby wont try anything sooner than that! So apart from the insane constant heartburn I really dont have any complaints!!