We had so much fun with Guncle Corey over labor day weekend!! After picking him up from the airport Keira, Corey and I headed to the grocery store to get our strawberry cake fixins. We came home and hung out a bit and got caught up over lunch and while the girls napped.. then headed to Carrabas for a "girls night out" with Carey!!! Dinner was so yummy and we had so much fun.. we did have the camera but didnt once think of getting it out.. but of course as you can imagine we all looked fabulous LOL riiiight ;) Sunday we hung out, keira helped Corey bake the cake!!! we swam and then had the marinellis over for taco night!!! Monday we were in the pool again, hit santan village and then headed to the marinellis for dinner. The weekend literally flew by! There was some relaxing time in there too and Corey played with the girls alot! he was determined to get some sun.. but never lasted very long sitting in the sun since it was you know the typical 5 million degrees!
I just wanted to tell corey we loved having you here you are always so much fun and really spoil our girls with attention!!! which is what they enjoy the most! Thank you so much for taking the time to come and hang out... we love you!!!! (and your baking) xo