Here are a couple of cute pictures I have been wanting to post... about two weeks ago after yoga keira refused to get into her carseat... this was a first and so upon asking her why she said she wanted to sit in the back. I started to fight it at first but then I thought through it and realized here is another transition that I dont really have to do.. moving her to the back row was on her terms and she wasnt being booted to the back because the baby was here... So in 100+ degrees me and my belly changed the car seat to the back and she happily jumped in! I have started to experience the good and bad from this change.. first I have to climb back there to strap her in which is totally awesome for me right now :), second now I have one more row to clean, and third which I havent decided fully if it is good or bad.. but I cant hear her very well LOL. Anyway that is done and she seems happy back there. It took Sienna about a week to really have it sink in that keira was now behind her and now she doesnt really like getting strapped in and would rather sit on her knees and hang over the back of the seat to see her sister. Fun times :) So the pics are keira and cooper in the back row on our way to preschool, then sienna saying cheese with mommys lip gloss all over her face which apparently she helped herself to while I was getting both Keira and cooper strapped in... note to self, strap the youngest in first LOL I hadnt realized that she had the lip gloss until we were stopped at a light and I was taking the pictures over my shoulder.. I did a double take on sienna like what the heck is all over her face... and then I had to pull over to clean her up!! The last two are of Keira and I having a picnic in the car before my ultrasound last friday.