Saturday, October 23, 2010

3 weeks of baby Jade

already looking around

love this one she looks like she is doing a little dance

Wow the transition to 3 has been a breeze, we have another easy baby on our hands. Jade eats, sleeps, poops, pees, burps and farts perfectly and when shes awake she is content and alert and such a doll. From the first night in the hospital, which I thought for sure was a fluke, she has slept 5-6 hours as her main nighttime stretch.. the first week 11pm seemed to be her time to settle down for that stretch and now it has been closer to 10pm which is just fab!!! We dont hear a peep until 3-4 am at which point she gets a fresh diaper or two LOL, eats and goes down for another few hours! Really you cant beat that!! I did battle some serious nipple crackage issues and apparently was enjoying Jades sleep wayyyyy to much leaving me engorged and during week 2 I got the first signs of mastitis... luckily with a push from my mommy I headed to the OB and they put me on antibiotics immediately which meant I really didnt suffer any of the more serious symptoms of mastitis. However they did put me on an every 2 hr pumping schedule for a week which meant while everyone else was sleeping soundly I was setting my alarm to pump :( anyway we are over that now!

Grandma was sent packing just before Jade turned 2 weeks... well I just wanted to get back into real life.. enough sitting around having my mommy do all the busy work! I just dont deal with that very well. We really had been spoiled, we had meals delivered sun-fri the whole second week! Thank god for amazing friends who I cant thank enough for everything they did for us! Even spoiling the big sisters with gifts! And now all is fab in the hattenburg household!! Might as well have a few more right? When my mom was still staying with us we packed up one morning and went to SanTan Village to get keira some fall clothes, as we pulled out of the garage I said to my mom "wow this is almost a full car!" to which she answered... "THIS IS A FULL CAR!!!" LOL ....anyway I have some wine drinking to catch up on, and I have to say it sure is nice to be back in normal clothes! love me some baby Jade and her little ski slope nose and well all my girlies and their craziness... there is never a second to relax but it sure is fun!