We had a great weekend here in the hattenburg household, Saturday morning keira scored her first goal in soccer.. I heard it was very much set up for her LOL but anyhoo she was very proud as were we and every week she has shown a little more interest in the game.. as opposed to snack time and anything else unrelated to actually playing soccer! Saturday night was Keiras school Fall Festival! Just Keira (dressed as a spider princess) and I went and she had a blast, she participated in the cake walk and trunk or treat, met up with Carey, J and the boys for a few of the games, the mad scientist lab and face painting, she even hit the dance floor and tinkerbell bounce house with her friend Rylan. Overall we had a blast. Sunday morning we went and picked our pumpkins at a random side of the road "pumpkin patch". I have to say I totally recommend this.. we have done the whole farm scene and this was so quick and easy with no other distractions.. definitely will be doing this for a few more years!!! I made a big crockpot of turkey chilli for our pumpkin carving "party" that night. The kids were only mildly into the carving experience.. I think the scraping of the pumpkin guts was enough for them but the daddies did a great job of carving the pumpkins!! And I think the kids had a blast playing!