Monday, December 12, 2011

Jade Lauren 14 mos

our Jadey has a personality so much bigger than herself.. which I can finally say she hit the 20lb mark!!! I squealed so loud I scared the nurse and jade when they weighed her LOL hey it seems like a big milestone for my little peanut! She is so in tune with everything and seems so far ahead of just 14 months. A few nights ago I was feeding her her nighttime baba and just watching her drink it and drift off to sleep and all I could think is wow she is still a baby but its easy to forget during the day shes so active, she runs and plays and dances with her sisters and just talks my ear off now, she has quite a few words the doctor was really surprised with her but then not at the same time because she knows she has two sisters so close in age to learn from. She says hi, bye bye, doggie, ball, juice, mommeeeeeeeee, daddy, shoes, baba, binky, happy happy,uh oh,look at daaaaat and today it was confirmed she tells me dee dee (for doo doo) when she poops! I thought that sienna was early when she was telling me at 18 mos and refusing to go in her diaper at all when she was 19 mos but 14mos! She does apparently speak chinese too which I suppose just makes her more amazing ;) She does have 4 teeth now, her bottom two and her top two... although those top two dont show yet when she smiles.. she is going to have such a pumpkin smile when they do! She has been alot slower to get her teeth than her sisters... I think I was the same, I held onto my baby teeth forever!! Not losing my last one until I was 15 yikes!! well you all knew I was special LOL Jade never ceases to amaze me! This girl has some serious dance moves I will attach a video, she can sure shake what her mama gave her!! and it makes me so proud.. she loves to recite her vowels in the car A E I O U and she giggles her growly giggle after, she LOVES to play peek a boo. She loves when her sisters play the wii especially any of the dance games! She no longer eats baby food (that was an overnight thing) she loves fruit but is fairly picky already about everything else :( ahhhhh but being a short order cook is a specialty of mine as of late :) lets see she loves baby dolls and pushing her baby stroller, climbing, bringing everything out of the pantry, hiding in her cabinet and playing the iXL and sitting in the fridge... that is pretty much jade at 14 mos in a nutshell. She is a dream bug